Tomás Ibarra
Investigador adjunto
Líneas de Investigación
- Desarrollo y Medio Ambiente
- Ingeniero Agrónomo, P. Universidad Católica de Chile. Magíster en Conservación y Manejo de Vida Silvestre, P. Universidad Católica de Chile. Magíster en Antropología Ambiental, Centre for Biocultural Diversity, University of Kent, UK. Doctor en Filosofía, Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences, University of British Columbia, Canadá. Ha desarrollado investigación en ciencias ecológicas y sistemas socio-ecológicos en ambientes forestales, agroforestales y agrícolas en Chile, México y Canadá. Es académico del Centro de Desarrollo Local, Educación e Interculturalidad (CEDEL), Campus Villarrica y de la Facultad de Agronomía e Ingeniería Forestal de la UC.
Patrimonio biocultural en la Araucanía
Resiliencia en sistemas agrícolas
Fire regimes shape biodiversity: responses of avian guilds to burned forests in Andean temperate ecosystems of southern Chile
Avian Conservation Ecology Fernando J. Novoa, Tomás A. Altamirano, Cristián Bonacic, Kathy Martin, José Tomás Ibarra. 2021
Social-Environmental Conflicts in Chile: Is There Any Potential for an Ecological Constitution?
Sustainability Maite Berasaluce, Pablo Díaz-Siefer, Paulina Rodríguez-Díaz, Marcelo Mena-Carrasco, José Tomás Ibarra, Juan L. Celis-Diez, Pedro Mondaca. 2021
Large trees and decay: Suppliers of a keystone resource for cavity-using wildlife in old-growth and secondary Andean temperate forests
Austral Ecology Jose Tomas Ibarra, Fernando J. Novoa, Helene Jaillard and Tomas A. Altamirano 2020
Conserving nest trees used by cavity-nesting birds from endangered primary Atlantic forest to open farmland: Increased relevance of excavated cavities in large dead trees on farms
Forest Ecology and Management 475 (2020) 118440 Eugenia Bianca Bonaparte, José Tomás Ibarra, Kristina L. Cockle 2020
Applying conservation social science to study the human dimensions of Neotropical bird conservation
American Ornithology, Volume 122, 2020, pp. 1-15 DOl: 10.1093/condor/duaa021 Ashley A. Dayer, Eduardo A. Silva-Rodríguez, Steven Albert, Mollie Chapman, Benjamin Zukowski, J. Tomás Ibarra, Gemara Gifford, Alejandra Echeverri, Alejandra Martínez-Salinas, and Claudia Sepúlveda-Luque. 2020
Winged Voices: Mapuche Ornithology from South American Temperate Forests
Journal of Ethnobiology, 40(1) : 89-100 Published By: Society of Ethnobiology URL: https://doi.org/10.2993/0278-0771-40.1.89 Ibarra, José Tomás, Caviedes, Julián, and Benavides, Pelayo 2020
Interspecific networks of cavity-nesting vertebrates reveal a critical role of broadleaf trees in endangered Araucaria mixed forests of South America
Biodiversity and conservation Cockle, Kristina L.; Ibarra, José Tomas; Altamirano, Tomas A.; Martin, Kathy 2019
Paisajes en transición: gradientes urbano-rurales y antropización del bosque templado andino del sur de Chile
Revista de Geografía Norte Grande Vergara, Gonzalo.; Ibarra, José T. 2019
Montology: A Research Agenda for Complex Foodscapes and BioCultural Microrefugia in Tropical and Temperate Andes Fausto Sarmiento
Journal of Agriculture Food and Development, 2019, 5, 9-21 José Tomás Ibarra, Antonia Barreau, Carla Marchant, Juan González, Manuel Oliva and Mario Donoso. 2019
Biodiversity Conservation Requires Management of Feral Domestic Animals
Trends in Ecology & Evolution Cristián Bonacic ,Rocío Almuna and J. Tomás Ibarra 2019
Shifts in Mapuche Food Systems in Southern Andean Forest Landscapes: Historical Processes and Current Trends of Biocultural Homogenization
Mountain Research and Development, 39(1) Antonia Barreau, José Tomás Ibarra, Felice S. Wyndham, and Robert A. Kozak. 2019
The Andean Condor as bird, authority, and devil: an empirical assessment of the biocultural keystone species concept in the high Andes of Chile.
Ecology and Society 24(2):35. Jacques-Coper, A., G. Cubillos, and J. T. Ibarra. 2019
Bird diversity along elevational gradients in the Dry Tropical Andes of northern Chile: The potential role of Aymara indigenous traditional agriculture.
PLoS ONE 13(12): e0207544. Araneda P, Sielfeld W, Bonacic C, Ibarra JT 2018
Estado del conocimiento sobre huertas familiares en Chile:
agrobiodiversidad y cultura en un mismo espacio. Etnobiología 16(1): 31-46 Urra, R. & J.T. Ibarra 2018
Applied Montology Using Critical Biogeography in the Andes.
Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 107(2), 416-428. Sarmiento, F. O., Ibarra, J. T., Barreau, A., Pizarro, J. C., Rozzi, R., González, J. A., & Frolich, L. M. 2017
How can we teach our children if we cannot access the forest? Generational change in Mapuche knowledge of wild edible plants in Andean temperate ecosystems of Chile
Barreau, A., J.T. Ibarra, F.S. Wyndham, A. Rojas & R.A. Kozak. 2016. 2016 Journal of Ethnobiology
Estudiante de Agronomía UC publica resultados de proyecto sobre huertas familiares apoyado por el ClIR
Investigador ClIR se adjudica concurso Explora-Conicyt con proyecto sobre valorización del patrimonio biocultural
Investigador ClIR encabezará proyecto sobre patrimonio biocultural en La Araucanía
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+569 2123 8655
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